Nursing Research
Liehr and colleagues (2006) were able to test story-centered care for people with stage 1 hypertension in addition to diet and exercise regimen which resulted to lower systolic blood pressure while awake.
Use of the story path approach in data collection to explore the challenges that older adults encounter as they negotiate lifestyle changes dictated by their dependence upon hemodialysis for survival (Hain, Wands & Liehr, 2011).
Use of the story path approach in data collection in exploring the experience of living through attacks on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941 or the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945 affected the health over time (Liehr, Nishimura, Ito, Wands, Takahashi, 2011; Takahashi, Nishimura, Ito, Wands, Liehr, 2009).
Story path was used to collect data (Williams, 2007) in his study of energy resources of oncology caregivers.
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