Nursing Administration
Story-centered structure is a fundamental guide in successful nurse-person relationship related to promotion of healing process. Since story is a way on how human connect to each other, it is also one way of understanding them using intentional dialogue bound to create ease, which is a basis for core nursing process and research.
We can relate implementation of story-centered nursing practice with health stories collected during nursing practice and research (Smith &Liehr, 1999). It focuses on complicating health-challenge, developing the plot and resolution movement for potential growth of nursing knowledge and guiding nursing practice. (Liehr& Smith, 2000; Smith &Liehr, 2005)
According to a study made citing Peplau (1988), he motivated nursing educators to uplift understanding of nursing situations with teaching scientific and clinical skills as basic foundation of nursing practice, therefore discussing how being the intervention of the nurses were more of domestic arts form, like comforting techniques. It is said that considering storytelling by nursing educators can inspire critical, analytical and conflict resolution for nurses as they rely on the nursing principles and human dimensions of coping in illness.
In reaching a certain goal in the nursing field and policy-making, inherited wisdom from the stories gathered, building the core and potentially develop intentional dialogue which requires planning, organizing, and promoting nursing independent actions, will provide new insights and connect easily, re-iterating creativity and problem-solving awareness for the nurses.
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